My Books A Million has the Skip Hop Duo Deluxe Diaper Bag and the Dash for $20! I'm not sure if this our store only or all BAMs. These are normally $58+. They also have the Pronto changing purse/clutch for $12. You'll save another 10% if you have their discount card.
Considering my diaper bag is falling apart this was a great find. Mu boy won't be in diapers any longer, so I was not wanting to buy a new expensive one. Oh and we also had a $5 coupon for renewing our discount card. Score!
That's a good deal for a diaper bag! Especially cute ones like that!! Way to shop for a deal!
So far I love it! It's the perfect size for what I need with my 2&4 year old. I love attaching it to the stroller. It's the best "theme park" diaper bag. The big huge cups fit in the cup holders on the bag while attached to the stroller.
Thats a great deal! I love skip hop diaper bags. I have used mine through two kiddos and my husband will even carry it!
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