Thursday, September 27, 2012

Silly kids!

I asked my 1st graders about a student that was absent and one sweet boy said "she was transported to another school." It was too cute...I couldn't even correct him.

My 4 year old said she wanted to fly a kite. I told her "that sounds fun when it is windy we'll have to go." A couple minutes later she asked "mommy do you have a fan?"

I know where this is going... it did take me a second though.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Progresso Recipe Starter- Chicken and Ham Slab Sandwich

How does this look?

This was our dinner. My picture isn't great, but it was yummy.

It was very easy to make.

I made some noodles and used the extra sauce for dipping to put over the noodles. My 4 year old LOVED it which says a lot for my picky girl.

You can find the recipe here.

You can also enter to win a Progresso Recipe Starter Gift Pack + $10 Visa Card Here. :) 

I was not compensated for this post.  Progresso provided the free product to try, information and gift pack through MyBlogSpark.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Progresso Recipe Starters & $10 Giveaway Ended

School is back in session which means my husband and I are both back at work.  One of my least favorite part of the day is figuring out dinner.  I'm not a great cook and I'm definitely not good at planning out dinner ahead of time.  I was excited to learn about Progresso Recipe Starters.  There are five different sauces that can be used in many different ways.  I don't even know how to make a sauce on my own and definitely don't have the time or energy to make one from scratch after work/school.

I received the Creamy Roasted Garlic with Chicken Stock to try.  We desperately need to go to the store for groceries, but I knew we wouldn't have time before dinner.  I decided to try my recipe starter in the CrockPot with some frozen chicken breast.  I didn't put anything else in it.  As you can tell, it took very little time to prepare. 

I made some instant rice to go with it when I got home and dinner was done.  The chicken was tender and the sauce was delicious.  it was a little bit soupy, but that's because I didn't put anything else in it to thicken it up.  It was actually perfect on top of the rice rice.
Lets just say the food did not last long and there were no leftovers.  I can't wait to try it again and add some more to it or try a different sauce. 

There are lots of yummy recipes to try out with the Progresso Recipe Starters.

We tried this here!
I want to try this next!

 I have several recipes bookmarked to come back to later.  There are lots of easy recipes that take less than 30 minutes to make.  Perfect for us and any busy family.

One lucky winner will win a Progresso Recipe Starter Gift Pack!
  • Two cans of Progresso Recipe Starters
  • $10 Gift Card to purchase your recipe ingredients
  • Progresso Recipe Starters recipe book, including 5 recipes to get you started
  • Baking dish
  • Measuring Cups
  • Sauce Scraper
I was not compensated for this review.  Progresso provided the free product to try, information and gift pack through MyBlogSpark.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Educational crafts - painting with fruits

My kids recently started "school." Sissy is in preschool and Bubby is at the same place in a 1-2 year old class. I love when they bring home their artwork and crafts. I decided to to share them with you. :)

Bubby painted with strawberries while learning about the color red.

This week he painted with lemons and yellow paint to learn about yellow.

He also painted with blueberries and whipped cream. I forgot get a picture, but it wasn't the prettiest painting with the now sticky cream. He was learning blue that week...his favorite color.

Sissy painted with Apples while learning about the letter A.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Startwrite - Customizable Handwriting Practice Sheets

I had the opportunity to try out Startwrite software with my 4 year old and it is an awesome program for practicing handwriting.  It is very useful for teachers especially younger grades or those teaching cursive.  I love that you can easily customize handwriting practice sheets.  To me it is much easier to quickly type each child's name and print it with this program than to hand write all of them and dot them.

Sissy told me about what she did on 4th of July and I typed what she said.  She then wrote it out by tracing it.  It did take her a a bit of time to trace over it, but she's still pretty new at working on her handwriting.  

 She was so proud of her finished work!! 

Her homework the other night was to write her name at least 3x's.  It was so easy to start up the program and type her name twice with the dots for tracing and to leave 3 more blank spaces for her to do it on her own.  I printed it in color and it helped a LOT on getting her to write her letters correctly on the right lines.  She was so proud of herself!

I love all the options available (cursive, Spanish, clip art, etc)!  We will definitely be using this a LOT this year. :)

start dot

letter outline

decision dots

color letters

dotted shapes

spanish fonts

They have a free trial to test it out.  Check it out HERE and see if you like it!

I was not compensated for this review.  I received the Startwrite program to test out on our own.